width=61 height=87> Voracious Verses



Stanislav Rabikovich

Colored Mindful Imagination

This being human is merely a dream
day in day out this colored scheme
where temper mentality is short and fragments are time scattered, shattered, 
dispersed then joined perhaps a sick joke or someone’s crime

bring me the script of life's blue prints bring me the loophole and my staff no

I shall above all bring you
for your soul a raft

This being human shall evade
and your thoughts of love it shall consummate 
where colors and sounds deceivably intertwine and life becomes to seem God's crime
I will above all grant you the script of colored mindful imagination

And many forms of art you'll draw
as I once conceived and here you are no,
your eyes through blindness cannot perceive that I gave birds wings, and swine 
their breasts and more you wish in acquisition to earn 

but in the present have failed to learn I upheld you above all 
and blessed you with colored mindful imagination

© 2007 Stanislav Rabikovich